Privacy PolicyWe are listening. Do write in with your concerns/feedback.
CONSENTBy accessing the Website or Application or by clicking on the “I accept’ button at the end of the page containing the Privacy Policy or by providing us Your Personal Information or by making use of the Services provided by the Website or Application, You hereby consent to the collection, storage, processing, disclosure and transfer of your Personal Information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.You acknowledge that You are providing Your Personal Information out of Your free will and that the collection of Your Personal Information is necessary for the Purposes identified hereunder. You hereby consent that the collection, storage, processing, disclosure and transfer of any Personal Information shall not cause any wrongful loss to You if it is done in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.You have the option not to provide us the Personal Information sought to be collected. You will also have an option to withdraw Your consent at any point, provided such withdrawal of the consent is intimated to us in writing. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please write to us at [email protected]. If you do not provide us Your Personal Information or if You withdraw the consent to provide us Personal Information at any point in time, We shall have the option not to fulfill the purposes for which the said Personal Information was sought and We may restrict You from using the Website, Application or Services.
CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICYWe may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. There is a tab at the end of the Privacy Policy which indicates when the Privacy Policy was last updated.When we update Our Privacy Policy, the next time You visit the Website or Application, the Website/Application will provide a message which will intimate You of the amendments to the Privacy Policy. You will be required to provide Your consent to the amendments before You proceed. If You do not agree to the amendments, please do not use the Website, Application or Services any further.
PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTEDThe kinds of information that We collect about You include but are not limited to the following:Phone number/mobile number,Email address, provided by You, Valid financial information at time of purchase of product/Services and/or online payment,Login ID and password,User details as provided at the time of registration or thereafter, and other data stored in Your user account,Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, referring URL, files accessed, errors generated, time zone, operating system and other visitor details collected in Our log files,Any other information that is willingly shared by You (collectively referred to as “Personal Information”).
HOW WE COLLECT PERSONAL INFORMATIONYour Personal Information may be used for various purposes including but not limited to the following:To operate and improve the Website or Application;To provide effective Services;To perform studies, research and analysis for improving Our information, analysis, services and technologies; and ensuring that the content and advertising displayed are customised to Your interests and preferences;To send promotional mailings from Us or any of Our channel partners via sms, whatsapp, email or snail mail;To transfer information about You if we are acquired by or merged with another company;To share with our business partners for provision of specific services you have ordered so as to enable them to provide effective services to You;To administer or otherwise carry out Our obligations in relation to any agreement You have with us;To build your profile on the Website or Application;To respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise Our legal rights or defend against legal claims; andTo investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, violations of our Terms of Use, breach of Our agreement with You or as otherwise required by law,To aggregate Personal Information for research, statistical analysis and business intelligence purposes, and to sell or otherwise transfer such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates, (referred to as “Purpose(s)”)
USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATIONThe methods by which we collect your Personal Information include but are not limited to the following: WIEF’s Rights to the Application and WIEF Content:When You register on Our Website or Application,When You provide Your Personal Information to Us,During the course of Services provided to You by Us,When You use the features on Our Website or Application,By the use of cookies (discussed below).
SHARING AND TRANSFERRING OF PERSONAL INFORMATIONYou consent to and authorise us to exchange, transfer, share, part with all or any of Your Personal Information, across borders and from Your country to any other countries across the world with third parties or our affiliates / agents / third party service providers / partners / banks and financial institutions for the Purposes specified under this Policy or as may be required by applicable law.You acknowledge that some countries where we may transfer Your Personal Information may not have data protection laws which are as stringent as the laws of Your own country. You acknowledge that it is adequate that when WIEF transfers Your Personal Information to any other entity within or outside Your country of residence, WIEF will place contractual obligations on the transferee which will oblige the transferee to adhere to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
USE OF COOKIESWe may store temporary or permanent ‘cookies’ on Your computer. You can erase or choose to block these cookies from your computer. You can configure your computer’s browser to alert you when we attempt to send you a cookie with an option to accept or refuse the cookie. If You have turned cookies off, You may be prevented from using certain features of the Website or Application.
SECURITYThe security of Your Personal Information is important to us. We have adopted reasonable security practices and procedures including role-based access, password protection, encryption etc. to ensure that the Personal Information collected is secure. You agree that such measures are secured and adequate. We restrict access to Your Personal Information to Our and Our affiliates’ employees, agents, third party service providers, partners, and agencies who need to know such Personal Information in relation to the Purposes as specified above in this Policy and provided that such entities agree to abide by this Privacy Policy.
THIRD PARTY LINKSDuring Your interactions with Us, it may happen that We provide/include links and hyperlinks of third party websites. It may also happen that You include links and hyperlinks of third party websites. The listing of such third party external sites (by You or by Us) does not imply endorsement of such site by WIEF. Such third party sites are governed by their own terms and conditions and when you access such third party sites, You will be governed by the terms of such third party sites. We do not make any representations regarding the availability and performance of any of the external sites. We are not responsible for the content, terms of use, privacy policies and practices of such third party websites.
ACCESSIf You need to update or correct your Personal Information or have any grievance with respect to the processing or use of Your Personal Information, for any reason, You may send updates and corrections to us at [email protected] and we will take all reasonable efforts to incorporate the changes within a reasonable period of time.
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWSYou are not allowed to use the services of the Website or Application if any of the terms of this Privacy Policy are not in accordance with the applicable laws of Your country.
TERM OF STORAGE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION WIEF shall store Your Personal Information at least for a period of three years from the last date of use of the Services, Website or Application or for such period as may be required by law.
GRIEVANCE OFFICER WIEF shall store Your Personal Information at least for a period of three years from the last date of use of the Services, Website or Application or for such period as may be required by law.